Tower Hamlets Opportunity Group
Safe sensory soft room for playgroup children
The Tower Hamlets Opportunity Group is a playgroup which provides a safe environment for all children (under 5) living in the borough supporting them on their journey into school.
51% of the children who attend the playgroup have a disability or additional needs, so it’s important that parents feel confident their children are involved in a safe, fully inclusive, pre-school, educational environment. In addition, Tower Hamlets Opportunity Group, a registered charity, aims to reduce isolation by helping people become part of the community.
In 2016 we made a donation of £9,097. With this grant the Group created a sensory soft room including soft cushioning, steps, a slide, a mirror a dome, a projector and a twinkle hut for the children. Here the Tower Hamlets children – particularly those with disabilities – can learn and develop as they engage with their peers in a safe with a safe, stimulating and enriching environment.
“The sensory soft room was a simple design but it ticks all the boxes for under 5s development. It gives our little ones the scope to be confident and supports their imagination and physical development. Thank you for providing us with such a useful resource. Our children have really benefited from using the sensory room. It is a bright, soft and atmospheric room that everyone loves to use” – Lorraine Dooley MBE, Project Co-ordinator
“The children at the setting are making great use of the sensory soft room that the Axis Foundation awarded us funding for. It has been such a great resource. The play practitioners and children are delighted”- Alan Dooley, Capacity Building Officer