
Clothing Collective

Gift Cards help provide clothing for those in need

Clothing Collective distributes Charity Retail Association (CRA) gift cards to homeless people, impoverished families, refugees, the elderly and ex-offenders, so they can purchase clothing at local charity shops.

The Trustees of the Axis Foundation were pleased provide an award of £4,000 to Clothing Collective to purchase 200 £20 CRA vouchers.

“Our warm heartfelt thanks to the Board of Trustees of the Axis Foundation for so generously providing our charity with this grant. We are extremely grateful.

“Without such funding we would not be able to finance what our charity is set up to achieve: to relieve the effects of poverty, improve health and well-being, and to give people a sense of dignity that will allow them to advance their lives.

“We expect the outcome of this grant to include warmth and well-being for homeless people and impoverished families, and the confidence for ex-offenders and disadvantaged jobseekers to dress for success” – Antony Wroe, Chief Executive

More about Clothing Collective

There are over 13 million British people living in poverty (one in every five people), and between three and four thousand rough sleepers on any one night. Many cannot afford clean clothing which not only provides warmth, but also plays a critical role including at job interviews or educational opportunities.

To date, Clothing Collective has distributed over 4,900 clothing vouchers to 2,600 people in need by partnering with over thirty food banks, shelters and help centres in London.

The benefits are threefold:

  • By distributing the gift cards through food banks, shelters and help centres, Clothing Collective makes their partners’ services even more attractive to users
  • Beneficiaries can purchase warm, clean, well-fitting clothing that suits their needs
  • Charity shops who redeem the CRA vouchers can use the funds to serve their own charitable initiatives

“I work in one of the most deprived London boroughs, where Clothing Collective represents a lifeline. For those for whom a winter coat or a pair of gloves is a luxury and not something that’s taken for granted, Clothing Collective helps to bridge the gap and keep these people warm. And in doing so, their vouchers also help local charity shops that go on to do invaluable work in the community” – Southwark social worker

There’s more about Clothing Collective here


Swale Community Care Project

Helping relieve poverty and financial hardship

Swale Community Care Project helps relieve poverty and financial hardship in the Swale area, as well as supporting local elderly people.

The Axis Foundation’s donation of £4,615 will be used to purchase kitchen equipment for their new community cafe. The cafe will provide a safe warm space where those in need can find company, food and clothing as well as information about services and service providers.

“Many thanks for the amazing news. We are grateful for the Axis Foundation’s support. The kitchen equipment is the heart of the cafe and our community services. The equipment will make a massive difference to the physical and mental health of our service users.

“With your help, we hope to create a collaborative space that becomes an integral part of the community to enable a warm meal, rest bite, warmth and a smile / laugh in a safe space” – Daniel Marsh, Trustee

The kitchen equipment to be purchased with our donation includes: a commercial microwave and toaster, an auto-fill water boiler and filter, a fridge, a freezer, dishwasher, air fryers and other fixtures.

There’s more about the work of this new charity, Swale Community Care Project, here


The Garden Classroom

Specialist equipment helps SEN kids re-connect with nature

The Garden Classroom (TGC) is a multi-award winning charity dedicated to reconnecting people with nature.

The Axis Foundation donated £2,008 to enable the Islington-based charity to purchase equipment for Hobbs Hill, their site for day trips and multi-night camping. Hobbs Hill (in the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) is designed to offer urban children a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in nature.

“Your donation is going to make a huge difference to our facilities on camp, especially for those children with Special Educational Needs. Your support will help us provide inclusive and accessible access to enriching, life-changing experiences for nature-deprived children, with impact extending well beyond their enjoyment of the camp itself.

“Our aim is always to create a deep connection with nature that can resonate throughout the lives of those taking part: and we couldn’t do this without your help – thank you!” – Millie Darling, Director of Countryside Programmes

The Axis Foundation’s donation will benefit over 200 children and their teachers who visit the campsite each year. We enabled the charity to purchase SEN resources for an autistic safe space on the campsite and a 6-person hammock, both of which will help reduce sensory overload and provide a calm, relaxing environment.

The Foundation also provided funds for top-up tools (essential for hands-on activities like bushcraft and den building) and a tarpaulin to safely cover the fire circle and provide shade for eating and cooking.

There’s more about The Garden Classroom here


Free to Be Kids

Transformative mental health support via the outdoors

Free to Be Kids transforms the mental health of disadvantaged London children via outdoor experiences including the 5−day residential Thrive Outside project. Here children meet animals at the farm, build dens in the woods, cook together and camp under the stars. Most projects are based at Cudham Environmental Activities Centre in Kent, owned by Free to Be Kids’ charity partner the Woodcraft Folk.

Each year, Free to Be Kids runs 25 such residential breaks supporting around 400 children most of whom have never left their corner of London.

The Axis Foundation was delighted donate £7,993 to pay for the materials for a new storage facility at Cudham. This took the form of a weather-proof, insulated and secure storage shipping container.

“Simply put, without your support, we may not have been able to continue using Cudham. All of our project equipment (bedding, sports, cooking, outdoor activity equipment) had been stacked to the roof in a tiny storeroom which we were no longer able to use.

“We would need to reduce child place numbers by 30% annually, meaning c120 vulnerable children would have no access to transformative mental health support via the outdoors that we offer” – Mike Gee, Free to Be Kids CEO

And our Axis Apprentices install the storage container!

Axis’ apprentices cleared the land and laid the foundations for the shipping container, then weatherproofing it and connecting it to power. They fitted out the inside with shelving and waterproof crates for storage. And they also then fenced it in, to make sure the new storage facility was secure, and put in some attractive planting too.

More about Free to Be Kids

Winners of London Youth’s ‘Adventure Charity of the Year’ (2022) and ‘Outdoor Education’ (2019), Free to Be Kids supports children in Lambeth, Southwark, Lewisham and Bromley who experience multi-factor harm, including parental addiction, neglect, abuse, poverty and homelessness, resulting in significant emotional/behavioral difficulties affecting mental health. There’s more about their work offering transformative mental health support via the outdoors here

And you can read more about the Cudham Centre on the Woodcraft Folk’s website here


Ipswich Community Playbus – Dennis

Transporting play to disadvantaged children

Ipswich Community Playbus transports the benefits of fun and educational play to disadvantaged children and families living in Ipswich. Maggie the current Playbus is an impressive 40 years old: she is retiring soon and putting her wheels up for a well-earned rest!

The Axis Foundation’s donation of £10,000 helps Ipswich Community Playbus convert a new Playbus –  Dennis –  into another amazing play space.

“This is wonderful news and so very much appreciated! Your donation will enable Dennis to take to the roads and carry on the Playbus legacy very soon. On behalf of all the children and families, the Trustees and staff thank you so very much” – Mandy Potter, Playbus Co-Ordinator

Facilities on board Dennis include a built-in slide, sand pit, new toilet and baby change area as well as a built-in generator which will serve the on- board lighting and heating, UV window film and carpet for the top deck play area.

More about Ipswich Community Playbus

The Ipswich Community Playbus brings the benefits of play into the homes of families who live in social housing and who may not have play areas nearby.

The staff on board the bus follow the Early Years Foundation Stage of the National Curriculum in planning various and different themes each term to engage young children and develop their learning skills, bringing families and communities together.They are also able to signpost families to relevant other services/groups/activities should they be experiencing difficulties including job security and health/ financial worries.

Read more about their work here



Sussex Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus

Helping young adults with complex disability

Sussex Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus (SASBAH) provides lifelong support for over 1,000 children and adults affected by spina bifida, hydrocephalus and related disabilities.

The Axis Foundation donated £1,760 to purchase eight precision cutters for members of Saspire, the charity’s work experience and training project for young adults with complex physical and learning disabilities.

“This is really wonderful news, thank you so much. New precision cutters will enable the Saspire team to fulfil their contracts with local businesses, through our accessible and supported workshop. Saspire supported work experience enables people with complex disabilities to gain confidence, learn new skills and increase independence. These new machines will be a tremendous boost” – Laura Cecil, Trusts Fundraiser

Laura told us: “SASBAH’s mission is to enable people affected by physical and learning disabilities to lead the lives they want to. We do this by providing lifelong support to over 1,000 people through a range of joined-up services including local support groups; advice and advocacy; a youth club; residential breaks and community engagement. We work across Sussex to offer socially inclusive activities such as meet-ups, exercise and art workshops, lunches and excursions, and we have Saspire, our popular and unique work experience project.”

There’s more about SASBAH’s work here


Bexhill Men’s Shed

Sharing skills and friendship

Bexhill Men’s Shed provides a space to combat loneliness and isolation. Here men (and women) can access tools, workbenches, skills and opportunities to make and mend in the company of others. Whilst using their practical skills and learning new ones, they make new friends.

The Axis Foundation was pleased to donate £2,000 to Bexhill Men’s Shed to ensure they remain self-sustaining, available and accessible to all.

“How delighted we are at Bexhill Men’s Shed to have been awarded this grant from Axis Foundation. We are grateful that you are helping us in this way. The money donated will certainly go towards ensuring that we are able to become self-sustaining by the end of this year, which is our aim” – Derek Merkl, Chairman/Trustee

More about Bexhill Men’s Shed

Bexhill Men’s Shed provides a workshop space where men (and women) in Bexhill can use and share their practical skills and life experiences to support each other, working side by side and producing and repairing items.The service users here have made Infant School Play equipment, garden benches/tables, Hedgehog houses and many other items to raise funds to remain self-sustaining.

There are 1,000 Men’s Sheds in the United Kingdom. They aim to help alleviate the high rates of suicide, depression, and loneliness amongst elder men.

There’s more here

Thank You Christmas Cards in displaydisadvantaged

Local Families Say Thank You

Axis Foundation supports families who were struggling at Christmas

An Axis’ employee applied to the Axis Foundation to support her neighbours at Christmas time. Many were facing loneliness as well as heat and fuel poverty.

And so the Axis Foundation agreed to award  £1,000 which was shared between 27 struggling households.

Our donation paid for 17 Christmas dinners, three supermarket vouchers, two heated blankets, seven heated clothes airers and six toy vouchers.

The residents were visibly touched to receive these special gifts and were all very grateful, sending us cards, notes and messages.

“G says thank you very much for her heated blanket, she is very pleased with it. She was staying with us over Christmas as she has only just come out of hospital. She’s been using it a lot.”

“Thank you, you don’t know how much this means to me.”

“We used the voucher to buy D a pack of Fimo modelling clay. We are going to make each other Christmas ornaments for our tree as keepsakes.”

“Thank you for our Christmas dinner tickets. My neighbours J, C and I met up just after Christmas. We plan to do it on a regular basis, perhaps every three to four weeks. C especially enjoyed it as he doesn’t get out so much.”

Three little children planting lettucesDonations

The Visionaries 

Creating hands-on outdoor learning space for children

The Visionaries help children, young people and educators to connect with nature. Whilst open to all, they focus on supporting young and marginalised people and those facing challenging transitions. The social enterprise is based at School 360 in Stratford, east London, near to Axis’ head office.

The Axis Foundation agreed to donate £9,500 towards buying raised beds and 50 fruit trees to help with the rewilding of School 360’s outdoor space. The overall scheme will serve as a hands-on, learning space fostering environmental consciousness and creating stronger connections to nature.

“Thank you so much. This will make a huge difference to the project. We are re-imagining the school’s grounds, to enhance the school community’s nature connectedness. This funding will contribute towards the rewilding of the school’s outdoor spaces, creating a dynamic environment that brings people together, improves community well-being, and supports the potential of the students”  – Max Girardeau, Director

More about The Visionaries Education CIC

The Visionaries is a not-for-profit social enterprise. They partner with schools, universities and other educational institutions to produce transformative nature-based programmes and adapt their learning environments to be more ‘nature connected’.  Through participating in their programmes, youths and adults report discovering a greater sense of purpose and belonging, feeling more hopeful and more equipped to create the future we know we need to live sustainably on the planet.

More here

a mother and father with babydisadvantaged

Little Stars

Providing essential baby items for disadvantaged, vulnerable families

Little Stars provides quality essentials for babies, children and pregnant women. And so they alleviate stress and financial pressures for disadvantaged, vulnerable families in Shropshire.

The Axis Foundation donated £3,175 to Little Stars’ Community Hubs Project. This donation will purchase 12 months supplies of nappies, wipes and baby toiletries.

“To receive this amazing amount of money from Axis foundation has ensured we can continue our Community Hub work, providing families with the essentials they need for their children.

“Our hub work is extremely important because we are out in the communities that are in need of this support. The money will enable us to expand our hubs as we now have the funds to be able to deliver the basic essentials that babies and young children really need. Thank you to the board for providing us with this grant” – Leanne Simcoe Founder and CEO

More on the Community Hubs Project

Little Stars created their Community Hubs Project in response to the growing demand for their services. There are currently four Little Stars community hubs, working with Early Help teams and local food banks, where families can access essential items

More about Little Stars

Little Stars helps the 26% of children living in poverty across Shropshire (research from End Child Poverty). They help disadvantaged families through their baby bank, community hubs and school uniform services. They provide quality pre-loved bundles, donated by the local community, supplemented by new equipment and basic provisions. Little Stars works across their community in partnership with midwives, social workers, early help teams, schools, food banks, and domestic abuse charities. They have, to date, supported over 1,000 referred beneficiaries.

There’s more here