Down Syndrome Development Trust
Specialist equipment to support children with Down Syndrome
Down Syndrome Development Trust provides support services and short break activities for children and young people (CYP) with Down syndrome (DS) and other disabilities, aiming to foster their personal and social development while promoting community inclusivity.
The Trustees of the Axis Foundation were delighted to make a donation of £5,231 to the Sussex-based charity so they could purchase a folding massage table and a compact folding hoist to assist wheelchair-bound SEN members, as well as a sensory room projector providing a fully mobile sensory experience.
Thanking the Foundation, Rebekah Foster, Operations/Office Manager, said: “Thank you so much for your donation which will purchase secialist mobile equipment to accommodate children and young people (CYP) with special educational needs (SEN) who rely on wheelchairs and ensure our Short Break activities continue to be fully accessible and inclusive.”
More about Down Syndrome Development Trust
The Sussex-based charity Down Syndrome Development Trust aims to foster the personal and social development of children with Down Syndrome and other special educational needs promote community inclusivity too. Over the past decade, Down Syndrome Development Trust has supported over 5,000 children and their families.
Their education service offers creative and employability projects at their Social-Learning Hub in Brighton, alongside physical and leisure activities in surrounding communities. These regular sessions equip CYP with vital skills, experience, and confidence for better societal integration.
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