
Chance for a Future for Esmay

Chance for education – and a future – for Esmay

Following young Esmay’s diagnoses of autism, dyslexia and Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), and her mother’s application to the Axis Foundation, the Trustees agreed to donate £870 to fund a private Occupational Therapy (OT) referral to progress Esmay’s Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) submission.

The long-term impact of our donation will be Esmay’s successful secondary education providing her with options for a future career.

“We literally can’t thank you enough, it is going to make such an impact for us. Without her EHCP in place, moving to further education will be a difficult transition for Esmay and she will struggle whilst waiting for an OT assessment” – Zarah, Esmay’s mother


Make Them Smile


Little Heroes



helping children with autism, child with headphones in front of screenDisability


Mum holding baby, CASPA parents of children with autismCare