Group of people holding bags at St AmbroseCommunity

St Ambrose Barlow Church

Providing warmth and comfort

The Café at St Ambrose Barlow Church provides a safe and warm space for local people. Here they can enjoy complimentary meals and refreshment, a sense of community and belonging, as well as crafts and activities.

The Axis Foundation donated £1,000 so that Saint Ambrose Barlow Church could purchase 60 Warm Packs to keep their guests keep warm this winter (2023).

“The grant from the Axis Foundation has allowed us to provide 60 warm packs in the space of two weeks to all in our community who asked for one. From young families, to people who lived on their own and the elderly, everyone went home thrilled with their bag of goodies – a cosy warm blanket, a hot water bottle, a travel cup, a hat, scarf and gloves so they would be warm in and outside of the home!” – Hayley Haughton, Community Engagement and Support Worker

“I was thrilled to get my warm pack, I am going to use the hot water bottle and travel cup together so i only boil the kettle once to save money and energy and then snuggle down in my blanket with my knitting!” – Recipient

More about the café at St Ambrose Barlow Church

The community café at St Ambrose Barlow Church is a lifeline for some people who have fallen through the cracks of the social welfare system; are struggling with the cost of living crisis or who are seeking a safe space to meet others and combat isolation. Located in the Parish Hall, the Community Café aims to reduce the impact of poverty and to help their guests maximise their income. They provide complimentary meals, activities and signposting for additional support to over 50 people a week and also recently distributed warm packs to 30 families.

There’s more here


Adult Training Network

Resourcing Digital Learning for disadvantaged people

Adult Training Network (ATN) provides education, training and employability skills to disadvantaged people. Many are referred to the charity by their local Job Centre.

The Axis Foundation donated £2,500 so ATN could purchase an interactive whiteboard to facilitate digital learning at their Training Centre in Southall, west London.

“The interactive whiteboard will be a valuable addition to our digital resources and will supplement and enhance the learning experience of disadvantaged learners” –  Sarjeet Singh Gill, Managing Director

More about ATN

Adult Training Network Limited was founded in 1999 to help the most disadvantaged members of the community access mainstream education. The charity unlocks marginalised learners’ potential for employment and social connection through education, training, employability support and links to job opportunities. They offer a wide range of in-person and online accredited courses as well as vocational qualifications and apprenticeships.

ATN’s BAME, migrant and refugee learners (many of whom have South-Asian backgrounds and/or are from Syria or Ukraine) hail from highly deprived wards and have low English, literacy and numeracy levels.

There’s more here


Volunteering at Demelza Shop

Axis people lend a hand at Demelza’s shop

Axis Site Managers Nicola Moran and Billy Williams spent their Volunteering Day to help out at Demelza’s charity shop in Eltham just before Christmas.

Nicola said: “Billy and I both enjoyed the day volunteering in the shop. We helped sort through donations, worked on the till and put new stock out. Plus we helped put Christmas trees in the window.

“We have a new-found respect for everyone that works in the shop! It’s harder work than you realise and they were very busy. They made us feel very welcome. We will both volunteer in the shop again as it was good fun.”

Everyone who works at our parent company Axis gets a Volunteering Day. Our people often use theirs to support Demelza, our charity partner.



Bright Christmas at Demelza

Axis’ Bright Sparks help out with Demelza’s Christmas lights

To brighten up Christmas at Demelza, volunteers from Axis’ Sittingbourne team – Joe Komorowski, Michael Kitts, George Ball, Stephen True and Jake Remon –  along with our subcontractor, BJL Electrical, set up Demelza’s Christmas lights.

And our volunteers used their expertise to additionally ensure that external lights are a permanent fixture for future events.

By gifting us with their time, the team have helped us to light up the grounds of the hospice, which will be enjoyed by all! A huge thank you again to the team” – Clare from Demelza

Plus they also funded £500 worth of gifts via an Amazon Wishlist, using Sittingbourne’s scrap money and BJL Electrical’s kind donation.

Another great volunteering day today with our friends and colleagues at Axis for the lovely charity Demelza, installing power supplies ready for their Christmas light install” – BJ Electrical

Everyone who works at Axis gets a Volunteering Day, and our people often use theirs to support Demelza, our charity partner.

Man wearing hat and glasses holding a Victoria sponge cakedisadvantaged

Cherry Orchard Garden Services (COGS)

COGS’ Grow-Cook-Eat project helps adults with learning disabilities gain skills and independence

The Axis Foundation donated £1,000 to help COGS purchase ingredients for their Grow-Cook-Eat project. The programme teaches learners how to cook simple, easy meals that they can replicate at home. They can use fruit and vegetables they have grown on-site at COGS. These make a healthy alternative to microwaved ready meals. Learning how to cook and eat healthily brings many long-term benefits to learners – and their carers and families too. We estimate that around 17 people on this programme will benefit directly from our donation.

“We are so grateful to The Axis Foundation for generously donating towards our Grow-Cook-Eat project. Cooking is one of the most valuable skills our service users can learn. By helping us purchase additional ingredients to enhance their home-grown fruit and vegetables, the Axis Foundation is contributing to many life-changing outcomes. It enables our service users to learn a whole spectrum of skills which all contribute to them living an independent lifestyle as they grow themselves. Thank you!” –  Beckie Flynn, Treasurer

Two service tell us how Grow-Cook-Eat project benefits them!

“It helps me because I can now make my own sandwiches, go into a shop and recognise ingredients and have new ideas to try to do myself at home’”- Tom

“It has helped by teaching me new things to cook. It teaches me to cook on my own and grow some vegetables I can make into meals” – George

More about COGS

COGS Prepares 4 Life CIO provides day opportunities for adults with learning disabilities, autism and other complex needs in Burntwood, Staffordshire, and surrounding areas. Through gardening, cooking, woodwork, travel training and basic education, COGS’ members gain new skills, find friendships and embrace the confidence and independence needed for everyday life. There’s more about COGS here

Group shot young men round table in clubDemelza

Fundraiser Quiz Night for Demelza!

Bright sparks from Axis pit their wits for Demelza at annual Fundraiser Quiz Night

Tony Mantle, Operations Director, organises our Fundraiser Quiz Night every year, with the support of Marie Partner, Head of Business Development, and Vera O’Driscoll, Community Investment Coordinator. We hold our event at Sidcup Rugby Club in Kent.  This year we raised an impressive £1,677 for our charity partner Demelza.

“The Axis Quizzers came out in force to support our annual Fundraiser Quiz Night for Demelza. Over a hundred people came, and the competition was fierce. I really enjoy seeing people enjoy the night and most importantly donate much-needed money to Demelza” – Tony Mantle

We were so delighted with the fantastic turn out, seeing everyone enjoying themselves, creating a fun-filled atmosphere. We thank everyone for their generosity on the night, all given in the True Axis Spirit for such a worthy cause, Demelza” – Marie Partner

“We raised an amazing amount for Demelza. Our contributions will go a long way for the children and families that Demelza supports!” – Vera O’Driscoll


2023 Golf Day Success

Another Success at the ‘Alan Curbishley Classic’.

Our annual charity golf day was held at the London Golf Club to raise money for Demelza and the Axis Foundation. On the day, an amazing total of over £26,000 was raised, going towards a variety of brilliant causes.

We have to thank all of our supporters including our sponsors for the day:

  • City Plumbing – Main Sponsor
  • Howells Solutions – On-course refreshments sponsor
  • Bauer – Golf buggy sponsor

A Day Amongst the Stars

Celebrities and supporters alike teed up at the prestigious London Golf Club, one of the country’s finest golf venues. The day saw various competitions held throughout the course including Longest Drive and Closest to the Pin.

In addition to our patron Alan Curbishley, some of the celebrities that attended the day included Bradley Walsh, Teddy Sheringham, Scott Minto, and Dave Beasant, among many more from the world of sport and entertainment.

Remember – you can apply to the Axis Foundation to support a cause or individual close to your heart.

Demelza, a charity close to our hearts, provides specialist care and emotional support to terminally ill children and their loved ones. We have supported the charity corporately, and through the Axis Foundation, for over 15 years.


Strength & Learning Through Horses

Helping children in crisis to a positive future

Strength & Learning Through Horses helps young people in mental health crisis turn their lives around.

The Axis Foundation awarded Strength & Learning Through Horses a grant of £12,000 to purchase a modular building to help them continue their services – whatever the weather.

“We are very grateful for your recent incredibly generous donation of £12,000 … Thanks to your donation, we will be able to purchase a modular building in which to teach our therapy sessions. These sessions help young people in mental health crisis to begin to turn their lives around and move towards a positive future. Thanks to your support we will be able to help more of these young people access our life-changing service” – Dr Hockley and Rosie Bensley, Founders and Joint CEOs

More about Strength & Learning Through Horses

Strength & Learning Through Horses is London’s largest equine-assisted therapy and education charity currently supporting 400-450 young people in crisis per year. Many children have experienced significant trauma and neglect and are either excluded from mainstream education or considered at risk of exclusion.

The charity uses the natural ability of horses to read and respond to human emotions to engage young people in the process of learning about their own behaviours and emotions.

More here


Strongbones Children’s Charitable Trust

Winter warmth for vulnerable children with bone conditions

Strongbones Children’s Charitable Trust helps children with severe disabilities/complex needs coupled with bone conditions such as scoliosis, bone cancer and spina bifida.

Each winter, many Strongbones children are hospitalised due to hypothermia, pneumonia, respiratory disease and Covid. Many children are from families in poverty. And fuel poverty adds to the severity of this problem.

The Axis Foundation’s winter 2023 donation of £5,600 buys 40 Winter Warmer packs to help the charity keep their children warm. Each pack consists of a penguin fleece blanket, an oddie wearable blanket, a pair of warmies soft boots and a warmies penguin handwarmer.

“This is wonderful news!! Thanks to all the trustees for agreeing to this incredibly generous grant. We have many children who will hugely benefit from these lifesaving packs” – April Fitzmaurice, Manager

More about Strongbones

Strongbones supports over 1,000 families of vulnerable children in Essex. They work to decrease social isolation and increase inclusion through supplying disability/educational equipment and providing educational opportunities. The charity also provides practical and emotional support to parents and carers, respite breaks, group residentials and accessible sports.

There’s more about their work here



Mobility for Little Kit

Accessibility and mobility for little boy in wheelchair

Little Kit was an able child until he suffered a seizure at 18 months. Now age four, he cannot walk, talk or crawl.

The Axis Foundation’s donation of £7,000 creates an accessibility ramp for the family home.

“We’re so grateful, you have no idea what this will do for our family (especially Kit!)” – Katherine, Kit’s mother

More about Kit

Kit was an able child until he was 18 months old in 2021, when he suffered a 2-hour long seizure. This caused significant brain damage and visual impairment. Kit is now four. He cannot walk, talk or crawl and needs constant care and hoisting.

His family have struggled to pay the cost of adapting their home after this devastating event: they plan to build an extension with fully hoisted bedroom, bathroom and storage area.

They needed to build an access path and ramp as part of these adaptations – and also so that Kit can use his motobility vehicle. The Trustees of the Axis Foundation were delighted to help the family.

As his mother Katherine says: “We’re desperate to keep our son at home with us: but without the path we’re not allowed the extension and without the extension he will not be allowed to live with us (in the future).

“We want to give him the best life we can.”

You can support Kit here