
Free to Be Kids

Transformative mental health support via the outdoors

Free to Be Kids transforms the mental health of disadvantaged London children via outdoor experiences including the 5−day residential Thrive Outside project. Here children meet animals at the farm, build dens in the woods, cook together and camp under the stars. Most projects are based at Cudham Environmental Activities Centre in Kent, owned by Free to Be Kids’ charity partner the Woodcraft Folk.

Each year, Free to Be Kids runs 25 such residential breaks supporting around 400 children most of whom have never left their corner of London.

The Axis Foundation was delighted donate £7,993 to pay for the materials for a new storage facility at Cudham. This took the form of a weather-proof, insulated and secure storage shipping container.

“Simply put, without your support, we may not have been able to continue using Cudham. All of our project equipment (bedding, sports, cooking, outdoor activity equipment) had been stacked to the roof in a tiny storeroom which we were no longer able to use.

“We would need to reduce child place numbers by 30% annually, meaning c120 vulnerable children would have no access to transformative mental health support via the outdoors that we offer” – Mike Gee, Free to Be Kids CEO

And our Axis Apprentices install the storage container!

Axis’ apprentices cleared the land and laid the foundations for the shipping container, then weatherproofing it and connecting it to power. They fitted out the inside with shelving and waterproof crates for storage. And they also then fenced it in, to make sure the new storage facility was secure, and put in some attractive planting too.

More about Free to Be Kids

Winners of London Youth’s ‘Adventure Charity of the Year’ (2022) and ‘Outdoor Education’ (2019), Free to Be Kids supports children in Lambeth, Southwark, Lewisham and Bromley who experience multi-factor harm, including parental addiction, neglect, abuse, poverty and homelessness, resulting in significant emotional/behavioral difficulties affecting mental health. There’s more about their work offering transformative mental health support via the outdoors here

And you can read more about the Cudham Centre on the Woodcraft Folk’s website here


Ruby’s Fund

New specialist hoist supports those with disability

After her daughter Ruby was born and diagnosed with a rare chromosome disorder, Alison Parr identified a gap in support for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their families. So, she founded Ruby’s Fund. And now, this award-winning charity supports 2,000 families (including children and carers) each year in Cheshire East.

The Trustees of the Axis Foundation, recognising the excellent work of the charity, awarded Ruby’s Fund £4964.79 to cover the purchase and installation costs of a new tracking hoist in the disabled toilet at their centre.

“I was delighted to hear we have been awarded the grant to allow us to fit a hoist in our disabled bathroom. It will make such a difference to the families who require specialist support, such as hoisting, and we will proudly show them the hoist when it is installed. On behalf of Ruby’s Fund, the staff, volunteers and the families we support, thank you. We appreciate your generosity and kindness” –  Alison Parr, Founder, Operations and Impact Manager – and Ruby’s mum

More about Ruby’s Fund

Ruby’s Fund’s overall aim is to provide early help for families of young children with SEND to ensure they stay well and avoid reaching crisis point: to help them thrive, be happy and feel part of a bigger family. High quality facilities at Ruby’s Fund centre include a café, a sensory room with hoist, soft play area, siblings’ play room, a sensory garden and changing room with hoist. The centre benefited 6,000 visitors in 2023.

They also offer outreach sessions at partner venues and onboard their mobile sensory bus. The dedicated team offers person-centred support to disadvantaged and vulnerable children and families; improving their quality of life and wellbeing.

Feedback highlights

95% of parents said Ruby’s Fund has improved their overall sense of wellbeing
100% of parents felt ‘listened to’ by Ruby’s staff
66% of parents felt Ruby’s Fund support had prevented them seeking crisis support from their GP
93% of parents felt better informed on how to be a good parent carer
100% of parents would recommend Ruby’s  Fund support services to other parent carers.

There’s more about their work here


Down Syndrome Cheshire

Supporting therapy sessions to empower those with Down Syndrome

Down Syndrome Cheshire is dedicated to empowering individuals with Down syndrome, helping them unlock their potential and live the lives they choose.

The Axis Foundation donated £3,000 to Down Syndrome Cheshire to purchase sensory and musical equipment for babies, children and families to use during therapeutic sessions. Therapy sessions are designed to enhance social, communication and educational skills.

“This is wonderful news! Thank you so much from everyone here at Down Syndrome Cheshire. This will make such a big difference to our small, local charity as we can purchase more sensory and music equipment, allowing us to run more therapy sessions for our members, especially over the summer holidays.

“Developing strong communication skills is so important for our members. We are delighted to have been awarded this grant, as it will significantly benefit our families and their children, particularly in developing communication skills and having lots of fun!” – Julie Duff, Chair

More about Down Syndrome Cheshire

The charity was established in in 2007 by a group of local mothers who all had babies with DS. It has grown to directly support over 350 children and adults with DS and their families, as well as informing education and health professionals and the wider community. Visit their website here for more information


Creating Safe Garden for Young Man with Rare Disability


Brenden has a very rare disability called Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome characterised by delayed growth and development, intellectual and mobility disability, seizures and distinctive facial features. He needs 24/7 care

Brenden’s father desperately needed to create a safe outdoor space for his son. He wanted to level the whole garden and to create a large patio where Brenden could use his K-Walker and his wheelchair: a safe place for him to enjoy.

And this is where his landlord Peabody, Axis and the Axis Foundation in a true partnership were able to help! Peabody raised the alert to the family’s needs. Axis’ Nicola Barcoe, Partnering Manager, applied successfully to the Axis Foundation for support and personally undertook to oversee the works (value approximately £13,000).

The Axis team created a new patio of porcelain paving slabs (which are smoother and safer), levelling and adding astro turf to the remaining area. We put in a new fence, using funds contributed by Peabody while our sub-contractor M&R donated and fitted the shed, giving two additional days’ labour to the project with no charge. And our supplier Global Stones generously donated the paving slabs.

“It is unbelievable. This will really help Brendan with a better quality of life. We would like to thank Axis, the Axis Foundation and Peabody. They have been amazing” – Brendan’s parents

Peter Varney, Chairman of the Axis Foundation Trustees, said: “This project vividly represents what the Axis Foundation is all about and how it is a force for good. The Foundation believes in giving help where it is really needed, and where it can change a life. Here the Foundation has changed Brendan’s life.

“The partnership of Axis – operatives, supplier and subcontractor and the Foundation – with Peabody has created a space for this young man and his family to enjoy together now and in the future. We wish the family well.”

Nicola Barcoe said: “As well as Brenden’s other conditions he also suffers with social anxiety and doesn’t cope well in crowded surroundings which highlights the need for a usable open space which will be good for his mind, body and soul.

“It was a pleasure working with the Robinson family to create a new outside area for Brenden which will improve his  – and his family’s quality of life – and hopefully will give them years of enjoyment. I thoroughly enjoyed project managing these works through to completion and being the main point of contact for the family.

“I would like to thank the Axis Foundation for the funding and Peabody for funding fencing works, as well as  M&R and Global Stone who all helped give the family such an open and beautiful space.”

Elly Hoult, Chief Operating Officer at Peabody, said: “It’s incredible to see the results of Brenden’s garden transformation, and the big smile on his face. Now, this family can spend quality time together in a beautiful outdoor space. We believe that every resident deserves a safe and enjoyable home, and this initiative not only enhances Brenden’s quality of life, but also showcases Peabody’s commitment to supporting residents and fostering inclusive communities.”


Clothing Collective

Gift Cards help provide clothing for those in need

Clothing Collective distributes Charity Retail Association (CRA) gift cards to homeless people, impoverished families, refugees, the elderly and ex-offenders, so they can purchase clothing at local charity shops.

The Trustees of the Axis Foundation were pleased provide an award of £4,000 to Clothing Collective to purchase 200 £20 CRA vouchers.

“Our warm heartfelt thanks to the Board of Trustees of the Axis Foundation for so generously providing our charity with this grant. We are extremely grateful.

“Without such funding we would not be able to finance what our charity is set up to achieve: to relieve the effects of poverty, improve health and well-being, and to give people a sense of dignity that will allow them to advance their lives.

“We expect the outcome of this grant to include warmth and well-being for homeless people and impoverished families, and the confidence for ex-offenders and disadvantaged jobseekers to dress for success” – Antony Wroe, Chief Executive

More about Clothing Collective

There are over 13 million British people living in poverty (one in every five people), and between three and four thousand rough sleepers on any one night. Many cannot afford clean clothing which not only provides warmth, but also plays a critical role including at job interviews or educational opportunities.

To date, Clothing Collective has distributed over 4,900 clothing vouchers to 2,600 people in need by partnering with over thirty food banks, shelters and help centres in London.

The benefits are threefold:

  • By distributing the gift cards through food banks, shelters and help centres, Clothing Collective makes their partners’ services even more attractive to users
  • Beneficiaries can purchase warm, clean, well-fitting clothing that suits their needs
  • Charity shops who redeem the CRA vouchers can use the funds to serve their own charitable initiatives

“I work in one of the most deprived London boroughs, where Clothing Collective represents a lifeline. For those for whom a winter coat or a pair of gloves is a luxury and not something that’s taken for granted, Clothing Collective helps to bridge the gap and keep these people warm. And in doing so, their vouchers also help local charity shops that go on to do invaluable work in the community” – Southwark social worker

There’s more about Clothing Collective here


Help for Daisy and her Family

New wetroom and bedroom will help Daisy’s independence –  and support her family too

Daisy is a 6-year-old child with profound disabilities. At three months old, she was diagnosed with a rare genetic condition called KCNA1 which causes severe epilepsy, skeletal issues, global development delay and emotional issues. Additionally, she needs to be ventilated via a tracheostomy 24/7.

The Axis Foundation was delighted to contribute £2,223.45 towards creating a downstairs bedroom and wet room to help Daisy to live safely and with greater independence at home.

Thanking the Foundation her mother, Fiona, said: “Thank you so much for the good news!”

Explaining the difference a downstairs bedroom and wetroom will make for Daisy, Fiona continued: “Daisy will be able to spend more time with her family instead of being confined to her upstairs bedroom where she needs humidified ventilation to make it easier for her to breathe when she is poorly.

“As Daisy is getting older it is making it harder to carry her up the stairs. We looked at installing a through floor lift but unfortunately Daisy’s bedroom is not big enough to allow this – and as she gets older she needs a bigger bed.

“We are extremely positive as a family and focus on the things we can do rather than the things we cannot do. Daisy’s story is a whirlwind from the day she became poorly to where we are at right now.”


Ipswich Community Playbus – Dennis

Transporting play to disadvantaged children

Ipswich Community Playbus transports the benefits of fun and educational play to disadvantaged children and families living in Ipswich. Maggie the current Playbus is an impressive 40 years old: she is retiring soon and putting her wheels up for a well-earned rest!

The Axis Foundation’s donation of £10,000 helps Ipswich Community Playbus convert a new Playbus –  Dennis –  into another amazing play space.

“This is wonderful news and so very much appreciated! Your donation will enable Dennis to take to the roads and carry on the Playbus legacy very soon. On behalf of all the children and families, the Trustees and staff thank you so very much” – Mandy Potter, Playbus Co-Ordinator

Facilities on board Dennis include a built-in slide, sand pit, new toilet and baby change area as well as a built-in generator which will serve the on- board lighting and heating, UV window film and carpet for the top deck play area.

More about Ipswich Community Playbus

The Ipswich Community Playbus brings the benefits of play into the homes of families who live in social housing and who may not have play areas nearby.

The staff on board the bus follow the Early Years Foundation Stage of the National Curriculum in planning various and different themes each term to engage young children and develop their learning skills, bringing families and communities together.They are also able to signpost families to relevant other services/groups/activities should they be experiencing difficulties including job security and health/ financial worries.

Read more about their work here


Two small children Kaiden Burman and Marla BurmanDisability

New bed for little Kaiden

Helping little boy with Dravet Syndrome – and his family

Axis’ Fleet Manager Taylor Burman applied to the Axis Foundation to acquire a specialist cot bed for his son Kaiden who suffers with Dravet Syndrome, a very rare and complex form of epilepsy.

Taylor told us: “We are always looking for ways on how keep Kaiden safe. He only sleeps about three hours a day and can be up all night. He needs monitoring systems constantly overnight. When we are at Demelza, he uses a specialist bed. It is electrically operated and has perspex panels and padding and is really great for him. So, I applied to the Foundation for help to buy something similar.”

The Trustees of the Axis Foundation were completely unanimous in their decision to support Taylor and his family and have made a donation of £11,000 to buy the bed.

Thanking the Foundation, Taylor said: “From the very day I started with Axis just under three years ago now, I’ve been supported by such a fantastic company. Axis is a company you want to stay with, there are no other companies like Axis, Axis is like a family, The Axis Family.

Taylor told us: “It was only two years ago, Kaiden caught Covid from hospital, at just one of his many visits, and due to his condition, we nearly lost him. It was extremely touch and go and unfortunately he had to be medically induced into coma. I remember ringing my manager at the time, David Crampton, and broke down in tears on the phone.

“The words and support I received from the board of directors, managers, colleagues and operatives were amazing. It was a tough time, but strangely that support helped us, helped Kaiden.

“I was later introduced to the Axis Foundation, constantly being told by [Foundation Founder, Axis CEO] John Hayes: ‘Taylor, the Foundation is your Foundation, use it.’

“I had always turned it down: my reasoning was, Axis does enough for me, and I wasn’t sure there is anything that could help Kaiden. I was WRONG!

“Kaiden started going to Demelza in Sittingbourne last year. We were extremely anxious about leaving him over night. He has no sense of danger at all. Our hospital consultants explained it like this: ‘If you put an item in fire, a normal person would keep away from the fire, but Kaiden would walk into the fire and sit in the fire to play with that item.’

“And because he also has epileptic seizures, it just wasn’t safe to have him in a normal bed. Demelza had a purpose-built specialist bed just for him, for children like him, something we have not seen or heard of. So I enquired with Demelza about the bed, the safety of the bed and most importantly, does Kaiden like it (he does!).

“When we were in the process of moving home, our wonderful [Foundation Trustee/Axis Divisional Finance Controller] Claire Pearce reached out to me asking if there is ANYTHING the Foundation could do for my family. The rest is history.

“My family and I would just like to thank the Foundation their support in providing the bed, it has taken a humongous amount of pressure off me and my wife. It’s very hard to put in words how thankful we are. Thank you!”

More about Kaiden

Kaiden, suffers with a disability called Dravet Syndrome, which is a rare and complex form of epilepsy. He requires 24/7 care at home and school and needs regular assistance at our charity partner Demelza’s hospice in Sittingbourne. Demelza’s home care team provide respite for the family too. including his sister Marla.

Because of related co-morbidities (including autism, mobility and sleep issues, low immunity and oxygen levels) and vulnerability to SUDEP (sudden unexplained death in epilepsy) Kaiden is also treated frequently at specialist hospitals including Evelina and Great Ormond Street as well as the family’s local hospital, Medway in Kent.

Up till now, he has slept in his parents’ room along  with all his vital equipment including Oxygen machine and bottles, medication, and seizure and oxygen monitoring systems.

As Kaiden, now five, grows and gets heavier it is increasingly hard to lift and carry him so the local council are re-homing the family to a larger home with hoists and lifts – and where he will have a room of his own.

And, thanks to the Axis Foundation, he now has a practical, safe cot too.



Burton Wheelchair Rugby Club

Gaining confidence through wheelchair rugby

Burton Wheelchair Rugby Club helps wheelchair-bound people enjoy the physical and mental benefits of a community team sport.

The Axis Foundation agreed to donate £3,650 to fund a new specialist wheelchair so more members can participate in the team sport, gaining independence, confidence and empowerment.

“That is brilliant news – thank you so much. Our heartfelt thanks to the Trustees” – Richard Williams, Fundraising Coordinator

Richard added: “Most of our members have suffered some form of trauma in their lives and lack confidence to continue feeling part of our community. We have already seen members who had given up hope join our club, be part of a team and feel whole again. We know there are hundreds of disabled members of our society who could join our club. Our plan is to expand the club to include junior members, so they don’t have to wait to become adults to be included.”

As well as supporting individuals’ wellbeing and health, Burton Wheelchair Rugby Club additionally engages with the local community to raise awareness of disability sport and also helps disabled people who are not permanently wheelchair bound too.

There’s more about the club which is based in Staffordshire, here


Lewisham Donation Hub

Supporting People in Lewisham

Lewisham Donation Hub provides food, homeware and essential items to local people including residents at Lewisham Park Towers where Axis is currently working.

Axis staff member, Jill Pennell, put the charity forward for the donation and said: “I’ve been supporting the Hub for the last couple of years – taking clothes, footwear, bedding etc on their Sunday donation day (1-4pm by Lewisham Fire Station). Knowing my unwanted items are going to those who have nothing – or very little – not only makes me feel good but is an incentive to get rid of things that I don’t wear or use any more. They’re always short of everything as the demand is so high – my friends are used to me hassling them to have a clear out for things I can take there!”

The Axis Foundation Trustees were delighted to support Jill’s application in an area of London where we are highly visible and our donation will make a real impact: our £3,000 will purchase electrical equipment for the charity to distribute.

“Lewisham Donation Hub is so grateful for the £3,000 grant from the Axis Foundation! We believe we can reduce household costs by providing low-power / efficient electricals (particularly microwaves, rice cookers, slow cookers, kettles and blenders) to people suffering hardship. These items help families and individuals to live more comfortably at home, and avoid relying upon ad-hoc meals from community services (or spending limited money on ready-to-eat foods)” -–  Magdalena Szlenkier, Trustee and Volunteer, Lewisham Donation Hub

And there’s more

We extended our support with a further donation to purchase 9 microwaves. The hub often discovers people not being able to cook chilled or frozen food, as they have no facilities to cook them.

“A BIG thank you to the entire Axis team for enabling us to purchase the microwaves. The last support instance today was for a woman without resource to public funds that the mental health team at Lewisham Hospital were endeavouring to assist. Your funding means that tonight, for the first time in many months, she can eat warm food at home. More importantly (as the mental health team highlighted), little gestures like this often have outsized impacts on those suffering mental health crises.”

We additionally delivered 11 laptops to the hub –  old Axis IT equipment that will be repaired and donated to residents in need of a device. And during Recycling Week 2024 we organised an e-waste drive to further support the hub.

There’s more about their work here