

If you have a small and local project or cause that will make a measurable impact on people’s lives, let us know on the form below. Leave as much detail as possible. The information you give will help us make the right funding decisions.



If your project will make positive and lasting change, let us know what it is, who it will help and how. We would like to help you if we can.



Detail what you need in order to make your cause or project successful. We would like to know as much about your project as possible, so we are able to properly assess your application. We look forward to your submission. Please use the form below.

Most applications we support do not usually exceed £15k, although in exceptional circumstances the trustees may consider a higher level of support and may match funds against funding secured from other sources.

Your application will have a much better chance of success if you can evidence the need for the project and the outcomes you expect to achieve with our support. The impact of the project on end users must be clearly stated. We are looking to fund things that change or enhance people’s lives and don’t leave them in the same situation they were in prior to our funding.
If your reserves are significant, we will take this into account in making a decision on funding.

We do support individuals in need.
We are very unlikely to fund the core running costs of an organisation and any form of salary costs.
We do not support national appeals.
We will not support any group project that is non-inclusive and is not open to all individuals and communities irrespective of gender, race or faith. Nor we will fund the advancement of religion or religious groups unless they offer a non-religious service to the local community.
We do not support projects that take place outside the UK.
We do not support projects that are the responsibility of a statutory body.
We do not fund projects of a political nature.
We do not fund animal welfare projects.

It will be a requirement of funding that you must give a full report back on your project and its outcomes to our marketing team including (where appropriate) photographs for use on our website and with local media.

The information you provide may be used by the Axis Foundation, Axis Europe PLC and (potentially) our charity partners for the purpose of a) reporting, handling and replying to your enquiry, b) reviewing and processing applications and c) promoting the work of the Axis Foundation. The Axis Foundation and Axis Europe PLC will retain your data in accordance with our retention policy and Data Protection legislation. Visit our Privacy Policy and Cookie policy pages for more information.